restorative dental care for kids

Restorative Dentistry in 
San Francisco

Our Approach

restorative dentistry for kids in San Francisco

Importance of restorative care

At Mission Bay Pediatric Dentistry, we believe a pain-free, functional and beautiful smile is key to overall health, nutrition, and confidence. Dr. Shah offers a variety of solutions to solve “tooth problems” and work with your family’s values and lifestyle to determine treatment options that are in your child’s best interest.

Gift Your child a healthy smile with our

In-House Savings Plan

In-House Savings Plan

Treatments for Healthy Smiles

Minimally-Invasive Cavity Arresting Treatment - "SDF" or Silver Diamine Fluoride

Oops! Your child has a weak spot in their tooth or maybe even a small cavity. It happens! We offer a treatment that slows the growth of the cavity which requires no numbing or operating on the tooth. This allows us to buy time for your child to mature so they can tolerate tooth restoration. And sometimes, Silver Diamine Fluoride helps completely avoid having to fix the tooth altogether.

Minimally-Invasive Tooth-Colored Fillings

For teeth with fractures, and superficial active decay that has been arrested by Silver Diamine Fluoride, we can often perform minimally invasive fillings with no numbing. This fills the gaps left by cavities or fractures and matches your child’s natural tooth color, preventing the defect from growing and protecting the tooth from future breakdown and sensitivity.

Traditional Tooth-Colored Fillings

Small to moderate cavities or fractures can be treated with traditional tooth-colored fillings. We will remove decay and restore the tooth to its natural look and function, bringing a smile back to your child’s face.

Traditional Biocompatible Crowns

When decay threatens the core health of the tooth and needs space to save and protect a tiny tooth, traditional biocompatible crowns may be the best option. After removing decay and infection, we use a modern, anti-cavity cement that seals the tooth from further decay and protects the rest of the tooth’s life. This also adapts to a growing child’s changing bite and keeps their other teeth healthy.


When a cavity or trauma exposes the core of the tooth, pulpotomies can help get your little one out of pain and back to smiling. Pulpotomies cleanse the core and place calming medicine which allows the tooth to survive and function free of discomfort.


Sometimes a tooth overstays its welcome. Whether it’s a painful or infected tooth that may threaten a neighboring tooth, a stubborn tooth that refuses to wiggle out, or a tooth that damages your child’s healthy smile, we prepare special and comfortable deliveries for the tooth fairy.

Trauma Management

There are as many ways active kids can crash and bump their mouths as there are kids it seems. We provide evidence-based management of mouth scrapes, chips, whoopsies, and boo-boos, with an emphasis on comfort and optimization of the best long-term outcome.

Join Our Dental Family

Gift your child a smile that shines as bright as they do with personalized comfort visits and warmhearted care that'll make them feel right at home. From our family to yours – we can’t wait to meet you both!

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